Initial liability claim for mental health condition submitted by a veteran or representative of a veteran to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).
The DVA will request a psychiatric assessment and report so that there is adequate evidence to assess the mental health claim.
The veteran or veteran’s representative will fill out the Medilinks referral form, ensuring that the original request from the DVA is included.
The veteran will receive a phone call from the Medilinks Client Liaison team who will provide all of the necessary information, answer any questions and schedule the appointments promptly.
Medilinks' expert team will meet with the veteran via telehealth and complete a detailed assessment.
A comprehensive and detailed report will be finalised following the DVA and Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists’ (RANZCP) guidelines.
Our expert Quality Assurance team will review the report and ensure the highest standards of medicolegal report writing is maintained.
The finalised report and if required the Impairment Assessment will be combined and uploaded to the DVA.
Upon successful upload to the DVA, the veteran and veteran’s representative will be notified of the completion and upload.